The Jack Benny Show

“The Jack Benny Show” ran from 1933 (except for a pilot in May of ‘32) until May of ‘55. One of his gimmicks was his exasperated “ Welllllllllll. ” But the Welles that concerns us here is Orson, who guested on radio program, The Jack Benny Show: 3-17-40 3-14-43 3-21-43 3-28-43 4-11-43 In some cases, Welles interacted with Benny, while in others, he guest-hosted. He would play himself in sketches, or at least a version of himself, perhaps more a caricature than a persona. He portrayed a prima dona and tyrant. In one sketch, he walked into a cafe and met an assistant to approve the script of that night’s The Jack Benny Show , but had to first order a guinea hen under glass and a bottle of expensive wine. When the soda jerk protested, Welles bellowed “get back under that counter.” Late in his life, Welles waxed very analytical about his appearances on Benny: “I used to play Orson Welles all the time on Jack Benny ...that’s the Orson Welles everyone thinks I ...